Saturday, November 30, 2013

52 signs you're an American in Spain

...because you can take the American out of America, but you can't take the, well, you know...
  1. You have a love/hate relationship with the siesta.  
  2. You're not a fan of dubbing. 
  3. You're really awkward with the double-kiss greeting.  
  4. Your English gets worse by the day. 
  5. You're waiting for Netflix and Pandora to get their you-know-what together and start functioning overseas. 
  6. You curse the lack of toilet paper, paper towels and/or soap in the bathrooms here. 
  7. You've explained countless times that rugby and American football are not the same. 
  8. Your internal meal bell still rings around noon and 6 p.m. 
  9. Cooking with butter reminds you of home.
  10. You've gone to the ethnic aisle to find peanut butter. 
  11. You have introduced said peanut butter to foreign friends. Their response was something along the lines of, "It tastes like peanuts," or my personal favorite, "Um, it's really thick."
  12. You've paid outrageous prices for said peanut butter, ingredients to make tacos or baking supplies.
  13. You wonder why anyone builds living quarters without an oven.
  14. You've corrected a Spaniard's English and then later realized it was actually correct in British English.
  15. You've been teased for your Central American/South American Spanish.
  16. You'll never be able to keep up with Spaniards on the social scene. Going out at 2 a.m. isn't easy. 
  17. You try to adapt your wardrobe to Europe, but on days when life sucks, you put on tennis shoes and your college sweatshirt and ask Europe to cut you some slack.
  18. You brought a college sweatshirt from home. Or four college sweatshirts from home. 
  19. You're the go-to expert on how life in America is/is not like it appears in the movies.
  20. Spaniards think it's weird that you wear socks around the house.
  21. Anywhere within eight or nine hours driving is a totally doable weekend trip. Spaniards don't agree. 
  22. You don't have the heart to tell Spaniards that you don't catch a cold from not wearing shoes in the house/not wearing a scarf/not buttoning your coat. 
  23. It's hard for you to understand that going to the doctor is free. As in, you don't have to pay. At all. No, really, you just go and then leave and keep your money.
  24. You see gas prices here and suddenly $3.50 a gallon seems like a bargain.
  25. You wonder why Europeans prefer hatchbacks over small sedans.
  26. You've had to explain to people back home that Spanish food is not Mexican.
  27. "Spicy" Spanish food doesn't seem remotely spicy to you. 
  28. Sometimes the whiny, entitled American comes out when you can't buy something at 1 a.m. or anytime on a Sunday.
  29. Your friends in America are 24 and married, while your friends in Spain are 30 and still staying out 'til 8 a.m.
  30. You've realized that wine and coffee in Spain are far superior and cheaper than in America. 
  31. You've told a Spaniard which part of the country you're from, and they've related your state/city to something from pop culture.
  32. Or they said, "That's in the north, right?" To which you've responded, "No, it's actually in the southwest/center/complete opposite part of the country."
  33. You've explained that Americans don't wear scary costumes for Halloween, and we instead use the holiday as an excuse to dress like an idiot or a lady of the night.
  34. When you visit the States or have a visitor in Spain, you stock up on food (i.e. Reese's) and cosmetics.
  35. You've realized Americans know nothing about European geography or politics.
  36. You've visited more of Spain than most Spaniards. 
  37. You've lost multiple battles against Spanish bureaucracy and customer service. 
  38. It took you months to stop apologizing to people who run into you on the street.
  39. Old people on park benches in the evening strikes you as the epitome of Spain.
  40. You regret not learning to drive a stick-shift (or you're really glad your parents made you do it). 
  41. You can point out America's flaws, but if a European does it you suddenly get all sensitive. It's like the great U.S. of A is your best friend or your mom. Nobody dogs on your mom.
  42. Sometimes the lack of political correctness in Spain makes you squirm.
  43. The Spanish practice of putting a heater under the table in the living room took some getting used to.
  44. You dearly miss your clothes dryer. 
  45. You'll never stop eating breakfast on the run/ordering coffee to go, even though it's totally un-Spanish. 
  46. You've yet to eat an American-caliber burger in Spain.
  47. You've explained that we don't eat burgers every day.
  48. You feel uncomfortable in McDonald's or Burger King because you feel like everyone there knows you're American and are therefore fulfilling the stereotype. 
  49. You have no good defense for, "That's why Americans are obese."
  50. You wonder why America doesn't have cañas.
  51. Given the crisis, you're thankful for the economic opportunities we have waiting for us in America.
  52. But you're not ready to pursue those opportunities yet because you're floating through your youth in Spain, where life is usually beautiful, sometimes frustrating, sometimes backwards, occasionally tears-inducing, mostly entertaining and always worth it.
Dear fellow countrymen and women, any signs you'd add to the list?


  1. Great list! As Americans living in Spain, we can relate to a lot of these.

  2. On the dot! I couldn't have said it better myself! I can relate to ALL of these and remember the first time I had to deal with each of them. I would also add something about bread, because Spaniards cannot eat without it; some make it a daily chore. I've got a list on my blog too!

    1. I was just talking to a Spaniard yesterday about bread. She told me it's culturally ingrained to love bread because it was something every family could afford before the civil war. During the war, food was rationed, but when the country recovered, people went back to eating lots of bread. Who knows?!

  3. Awesome awesome compilation. You mam are a good writer.

  4. I've never lived in Spain but was entertained by your list ;) I visited Germany for a couple weeks after college and the leisurely pace of it all was kind of difficult to get used to. Not to mention the fact that when you ask for water it was always carbonated and warm. What the heck? lol

    But as an American I like hatchbacks ;) Not as huge as a station wagon, gives you more cargo than most sedan models of the same car would (ex I can fit my 80 lb german shephard in the trunk and he can move around in my mazda 3 hatch). Also maybe it's just a US thing but when I bought my Mazda 3 hatch it came in a higher trim and engine level than the sedan did.


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